Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Now that i have NO time...

Since there are only three days of school left...i have not so much time on my hands. Study guides, art projects, books, studying....crazy. My school chose to have final exams on the last three days of school >:O
Well, i can look forward to summer. Straight A's...new hair color...best friends...my jobs...it's gonna be fun. And ill finally be able to drive! with someone at least 21 in the car...of course.
Well, thats all. I post soooo much last weekend it wasn't even funny. Now i can hardly find time to post in all this craziness.


Not saying teachers are dumb...but when it comes to grading...things don't usually work out...
My art teacher graded one of my projects UPSIDE DOWN. What art teacher does that? She wrote "80% for effort" on the back. Well, i confronted her today and she raised it a whole 10% because she realized that she was, in fact, wrong.
My English teacher gave an opinion based test. Everyone in the class got either a 64% (ME!) or 76% of 82%. AND my grade online says i got a 72%...what?!
Teachers are crazy. I don't understand...and they try to blame everything on us.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The name?

Where did it come from?
I don't really know. I was playing Guitar Hero and i needed a band name and so i typed Sour...sour what? I said to my friend josh "Give me any word that starts with A"...and he said "Anything"...there ya go. It's a pretty cool name.

Subeta Avatar

I might as well just make this like...a subeta blog. But if i did that all i would be able to talk about is subeta. That's not fun. I could make a separate subeta blog. Maybe i'll do that.

ha, nooo, i'll never get around to it (:

anyways, how great is this game? You can do quests for the wizard and he gives you money and the stores finally restocked so, i was able to feed my pets! But, the avatars are the most fun. You can dress them up, change everything about them and set their mood. Here is my avatar:
Isn't she cute? Looks nothing like me..i wouldn't dress in all gray...ever. But you can have all those different emotions to let your friends know how your feeling...if i had friends on subeta....hmmm.

I may be lame but...

At least i don't do drugs and have sex >:0
Some people don't get that maybe i just wanna be a good kid. Yeah? Sure, i sit for hours and play Guitar Hero, sure i sit for hours and play Subeta, sure i sit for hours and play TapFarm and TapFish...but at least I'm doing things by myself to keep me out of trouble and not hanging out with people, walking around at 10:00 at night, smoking pot in boys bedrooms and having sex in a different town where your mother lives. like SOME people i know.
And i get straight A's and always do my homework and my chores. The worst thing i have ever done was sneak my friend and a boy over...but i got caught, of course. I could never do something big and bad and never get caught. I'm way to lame and clumsy. But i like being a lame kid. At least being lame doesn't make me cool :D
Most of the cool kids i know are only cool for their drugs. and their less-than-fun activities.
You can be a cool kid and do cool kid stuff. Like going to Incredible Pizza. and going Skating. and playing cool games like WoW and Guitar Hero. Yeah. Im a cool/lame kid...in my own way. I'm very proud. Very proud indeed.
But hey, me and my friends can be lame together. I have cool friends...i just don't hang out with them. Cos i'm the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to who i hang out with. The funnest thing i do with my friends now is watch a movie and play Sims 2.
Let the lame kids unite.

This Kid

My mom knows i like him...(she's the one who made me admit it...), my step-dad knows i like him, all my friends know i like him....BUT HE DOESN'T!
Its sooooo easy to tell everyone else that you love him, especially when they don't even know him. Then, you see, it can't get back around to him that i like him. But it's not very easy to tell him that....
I've come close like 3 times to telling him, but it ALWAYS fails.
It's really hard to take a teenage crush seriously. Because, ya know, I've had so many crushes and none EVER work out when i tell them that i like them. But, when does a teenage romance ever work out? Unless the guy is a complete sweetheart (this kid i love IS!) then chances are...you will never ever make it in the real world. Only at school. But, some people do marry their sweethearts, this is true. But our generation? Uhh...kids now can't even make a relationship last for a day. AND 4th graders are dating?! What is this?! Crazy...crazy crazy kids. It's the TV.
Anyways, i haven't seen this kid for like...9 months now and the closest thing i get to talking to him is texting. And texting ruins everything in a romance...i mean yeah if you text.
"Hey...meet me @ Starbucks" that works. But NEVER EVER EVER say over text
"I love you." especially not "Luv you" unless you're married and have said it for years.
Point being...teenage romances are dumb. With this kid, i don't want a teenage romance, i want a serious relationship that is going to last for a long time. Not some dumb two week thing. That's why i think i just need to wait to tell this kid that i like him until we are older. Much, Much, MUCH older.
yeah. Thats works.

TapFarm & TapFish

(Im soooo lame for posting something new like every 10 minutes...but i can't help it. I have a lot of stuff to talk about!)

So, i recently got an iPhone 3G. I was sooo excited when my mom took me to AT&T, telling me that SHE was getting a new phone. Well, turns out, her phone came free with an iPhone and she didn't want an iPhone so i got it. Whooo!! I mean, for $99, an iPhone and an Impression is a GOOD DEAL. Anyways, I had an iPod touch before, but didn't have wireless Internet for certain apps that needed it. We-he-ell. I got my iPhone and my parents so wonderfully pay for unlimited Internet ($30 a month) in exchange for me to mow the lawn. Not bad. So im always on the App Store looking for new games to play. My two favorite right now are TapFarm and TapFish.

TapFarm: It's just like FarmVille and FarmTown...just a little lamer. You can't rotate the objects...but you can harvest your animals. Yeah, even cats and dogs. You level up faster too. And every time you level up you unlock something new. It's so fun...and waaaay easier than jumping on the computer every 4 hours to harvest strawberrys. And...the BEST part...it was free. Such fun...for free. Now, TapFish is probably my favorite. You love your fish for coins, clean your tank for coins, feed your fish for coins, and tap on the tank as a "Welcome Back!" for coins. You can breed your fish...and you can have as many tanks as you want. I currently have 10 tanks with 50 fish in each one. There is also a game like this on facebook, but again, who wants to get on every 2 hours? It's much more convenient to have on your iPhone or iPod Touch (with WiFi).

Both games are from the same developer, and both are free. You can buy "Fish Bucks" and "Magic Beans" to buy other things your normally wouldn't be able to. Or you can go to their offers, download the free apps, open them, and then just delete them. I recommend TapFarm to any FarmVille freak. And TapFish for any of those My Aquarium freaks. I used to be both...until i found these wonderful apps. GET IT!


It's been RAINING here since Thursday. It' s now Sunday and i haven't been able to do anything out side for four days. FOUR DAYS! What's more is that it's storming too. The power has been out twice. And Thursday at school that annoying automatic voice came over the intercom saying "THIS IS A TORNADO...WARNING. THIS IS A TORNADO...WARNING". We sat in the hallways for about a half hour. I thought these storms were suppose to come in April? Ya know, April Showers bring May Flowers. That is not the case here. Not at all. Now all i can do it sit on the computer all day and waste my brain cells. Ridiculous.
P.s. i hope you enjoyed my font color. It was to symbolize the dark grey sky. Yeeeah, smart right?

Saturday, May 15, 2010


So, after checking around a bit i found myself on the website. Im so clever. Anyways, i found out alot of stuff about my account. People can really change in 8 months. It's strange...i was trying to be all cool and act like i was a "scene" kid. yeeeah, that got flushed along with my old boyfriend. I was such a poser. Anyways, here is what i found out:::
I have four pets...

  1. Marjory Victory (top left)
  2. Tristan Sky (top right)
  3. Ladarious (bottom left)
  4. Coraline Caz (bottom righ)(It's suppose to be a girl, but...i accidentally forgot to make it one...)

This is them (:

Of course, they are starving and depressed because i haven't been on in 8 months. Silly me.

I can't buy them any food because all the shops are "SOLD OUT" and i don't have any food. How DUMB. My poor animals can't even die, they just have to suffer. I don't know how to feed them or make them happy because all the stores are sold out. I have plenty of money too, like 751,000 sP (subeta points).

I just read that and realize how stupid it is :D But neopets is just as stupid...and i have one of those ): but the Neopets are gay looking. At least Subeta pets are cute (:

I have taken the liberty of making you a comparison picture. See how much more detailed and pretty subeta is compared to neopets. Subeta on LEFT neopets on RIGHT


Sure, sure, it's a very childish game site...almost just like Neopets only WAAAY easier...but is sooooo fun.

Aren't they so cute/pretty?? I looove this game. Sadly, i've neglected my account for like....5 months and i forgot my username. Im really disappointed...i had an awesome profile layout, a popular store that got me coins annnnnnd i had a kick butt amount of coins in my bank.

Im mad at myself...because i thought that i could remember EVERYTHING and that i would never forget...soo i didn't write it down. I'm feeling soo smart right now (sarcasm).

If only the site wasn't so retarded and took your email address instead of your username, i would totally be back in the game. And i'm pretty sure i had like 5 pets. This sucks major face. MAJOR FACE.


Blogger is being really stupid today.
It wasn't this morning, it was just fine this morning. Great. Perfect...flawless.

But right now, im about to smack my computer screen. I've done that before. I doesn't hurt anything...just my hand.
So, first off, i keep getting this message: "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Opening brace at end of text"...uh, what?
This teaches me a very valuable lesson...save every like...three seconds. If you don't, the page will refuse to save it and then you have to start all over again. Unless you select everything press ctrl+c then start a new post and press ctrl+v.
It's copying and pasting...and i find it very useful...VERY.

Anyways, so then, i put my picture up for my header that i made (yes, i made it myself..impressive, yeah? I thought so too. I've never made a picture that good...and that one isn't even special) and the dumb thing won't let me select "shrink to fit"...so the whole picture is spread across the top and you couldn't even see it. Well i managed to fix that. And thankfully, the "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Opening brace at end of text" isn't showing up anymore! Whoo for Blogger! You fixed your problems! :D
So, i was just thinking..."what IS the point of having a blog if you don't have anyone who is going to look at it or follow you or anything. I suppose i could put a note up on FaceBook saying "hey! go look at my blog!" but, who really reads those notes anyways? And, to tell you the truth, the only REAL interaction i've had with half my 269 friends on facebook is just looking at them.
But really, i follow like 7 or 8 blogs on here and no-one is following me back. Sad, sad day. Plus i only have one real friend who gets on here in the first place, sooooo, what IS the point in ME having a blog.
Yeah, it's great if you have 30 friends that want to keep up with your life and stuff w/o having to call and text and write. I mean, i have 30 friends...far more than 30 friends...but i don't think any of them care enough to say "Hey, Abby, do you have a blog? I would really love to keep up with your life since i never call or text you anyways..."
No...no-one has done that. No-one...

Im so Lame.

I didn't want to put this in with my other post that i wrote like 3 seconds ago because it's waaaay off topic. And i would look like a lame person trying to be cool if i did that. And lets just admit right now...people have always gotta look cool....

HA! Yeah right. I even made myself laugh, that was so funny..or was it?

Anyways, remember that show "The Wild Thornberrys"?? That was like my favorite show. I mean, the girl could talk to animals...and she had that weird little brother thing that look like a monkey more than the actual monkey did.

There is an image for your memory needs. That was the best show ever. Next to the Rugrats, of course. But...they stopped showing re-runs and there is nowhere on TV to watch it anymore. RIDICULOUS.

I just releaized...in that picture, the dad is wearing leg warmers...

if THAT isn't bad enough...

Then i don't really know what is.

Ugggh, i have one of those burnt taste buds on my tongue and its hurting so bad. I once had someone i knew try to pop a burnt taste bud. I was like "Dude, WHAT!?"
They said it felt better...but IM not going to do anything like that.

My mom is on the phone with my Viola Teacher and shes like "well, we don't feel good today so, we won't be coming to lessons"...

liiiiiess. I just overslept is all. But she really is sick, i guess.
Im ridiculously hungry right now. Burger King...yeah, that sounds good.

So, i really want to make some more Sims videos but i dont have the patience anymore and i can never make a good story line. AND i dont even have a good song to make a video to. So what am i suppose to do??? I don't know. I really do not knoow.

This post is so off topic its not even funny.
What does that expression even mean? "It's not even funny"

-"Im so hungry it's not even funny"...well, it wouldnt be funny in the first place.
-"That ruler is so dirty its not even funny" Again, why would that be funny at all?
-"You're so gay its not even funny"...weeeell, IM not laughing.

Does anyone even say that anymore? I do all the time. Its not even funny. Well, ANYWAYS. I think im just gonna go now. Go and get some burger king with my mom.